Category: Type specifier

Syntax: signal <identifier>[, <identifier>[, ...]]


Use the signal type specifier to define the acquisition channels. The name of the channel is a special object with signal data type. Declaration of signals has to be done after the declaration of external variables. Variables of signal data types are used as arguments of the detect command. Declared acquisition channels appear in the Experiment Axis Setup.


signal a,b detect a,-b

Legend: PPL keywords; PPL pulse commands; comments.

Assigning of real value to signal leads to modification of the detection coefficient. Multiplication and division of signals result in signal variable type. By default signal is equal to 1.


signal a,b detect 5*a,-2*b

Legend: PPL keywords; PPL pulse commands; comments.

In the above example all value taken from signal 'b' will be multiplied by -1 (signal sign inversion).